Crypto currency reno land purchase

crypto currency reno land purchase

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Jeffrey Berns, CEO of Nevada-based Blockchains LLC, envisions a city where people not only purchase goods and services with digital currency but also log their and services vital to the news business.

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Jeffrey Berns, CEO of Nevada-based Blockchains LLC, envisions a city where people not only purchase goods and services with digital currency but. It will be the first city-run and resident-based blockchain platform in the United States, according to the city officials. Blockchains, LLC's purchase of the massive plot of land in the industrial center was confirmed by partner-broker Lance Gilman, who noted that he.
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The financial terms of the deal were not disclosed. Blockchain is a digital ledger known mostly for recording cryptocurrency transactions but also has been adopted by some local governments for everything from documenting marriage licenses to facilitating elections. Press Releases. Blockchains made a big splash when it first arrived on the scene in by acquiring 64, acres at the industrial park.