How to change name on coinbase

how to change name on coinbase

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How to Change Coinbase Legal Name (2021) - Change Legal Name on Coinbase
Despite the front-end form fields being disabled, a user could still change his/her legal name by manually manipulating the form in developer tools. The first step is to open Coinbase, and click Profile.. Click Manage your profile.. Click Display name.. Type a new display name.. Click Save.. That's it. Go to your profile � Hover over your name with your mouse � Click on Edit when the word shows up � Erase your old name and type your new name.
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On June 14, , the company announced it would be laying off approximately 18 percent of its workforce, about 1, full-time jobs, amid the global downturn in cryptocurrencies and services. May 27, Retrieved August 12, May 9,