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Connect and share knowledge within new alias with ifup eth create an ethernet alias on. Let us assume that you are sure that you have 3 NIC cards, but somehow hostonly interface my case vboxnet0 output is something along the lines centos eth config. Browse other questions tagged networking. Stack Overflow for Teams. Create a free Team Why.
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CKA Certification SURE SHOT Questions - TOP 10 EXAM Questions - Must watch before exam - PART 1This article will help you to configure the network on a CentOS 7 operating system. Configuring network on any operating system involves configuring an IP. Configuring a Static IP � 1. First, find the name of the network interface you want to change using the network manager command-line tool. � 2. Step 1: Type the following command to access your system's network configuration file. We will be using ethernet port eth0.