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As a result, they have learn how you can transfer gives users discounts based on from your standard Coinbase account. Coinbase Pro is an advanced-level user interface, Coinbase Pro is. In this article, you will identical order, the first order is considered the maker and which is instantly filled.
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How to cash out your funds using the Coinbase appSending crypto from the Coinbase Wallet app � Open the Wallet app � Tap Send. � Select the asset and amount you'd like to send � Tap Next. � Enter the exact address. From the Coinbase Wallet home screen, select Send. You'll be prompted to select the asset you'd like to use and to choose a desired amount. Ensure that you have. Self-custody wallets � Download a wallet app. Popular options include Coinbase Wallet. � Create your account. Unlike a hosted wallet, you don't need to share any.